On a sidenote, when first starting up the game, it complained about missing dll files. Hopefully it may still help you or anyone trying to run this game again. Since google was no help, I did some fiddling with the files and found the above solution. We use external mirrors only in order to reduce the internal bandwidth of All of our links are uploaded by TrustFm. Currently each version is stored into three reliable external mirrors: Microsoft's OneDrive, Google Drive and Yandex. I know this comes a year too late, but I just got around to playing this fun little oldie again and ran into the same error myself, googled for a solution and found this thread. supports Windows 64bit, Windows 32bit, Linux 64bit and Linux 32bit platforms.

how do I load a save? To fix the loading issue, you need to copy the save files from the Save folder into the game's main folder (where the exe is) and load those save files instead of the ones in the Save folder. If I don't attempt to load a save, I can load a new map as many times as I want without restarting, but still the main issue. I only have to restart once I attempt to load a save to start a new map. So the error only starts coming up after attempting to load a save. MagicDisc seems to support lots of image formats as well, is completely free, and they even offer a Win9x version (which I'm using on my Win98SE retro-PC). I used Folder2ISO to create the ISO image from the files, and MagicDisc to mount it (I don't use the free Alcohol anymore as nowadays it seems to force-install some adware or something).
I might try to install it also on Windows XP to see if it installs conventionally there, but with the workaround it seems to run fine in Windows 7/64bit (you still need the burned CD in the drive or a mounted ISO image just as the instructions state, but no biggie). The installer is apparently a 16bit application, hence it needs to be installed manually according to the instructions.
So the patch from Patches-Scrolls is not needed, the freeware version is already up to date. I just installed (manually) the game in Windows 7 according to the instructions linked by buckstone, and the version seems to be already (there was a version button in the game options screen). Incidentally the source code is for version 2.01 but I don't know if there are any changes from 1.02 Just to confirm: Cpc464: This is the same as what is distributed with the enemy nations source code so I would say it is the final patch.